Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Ever complain about the snow? How about the cold? Ever wish you were somewhere warmer, when you're shoveling yourself out of the 5'th Canadian snowstorm of the year?Here's something that's bound to make you glad you're Canadian- but first, a little background info.

A year ago an instructor at school showed the class some footage he shot in southern Alberta, near Provost. It was of a white supremacist group who did a cross burning in a wide open field, wearing the creepy white hood and cloaks... and that video scared me. It left me disturbed, upset and confused. Today I've discovered something much, much worse.It's called the Westboro Baptist Church.Ever heard of them? They make the crazies of Jonestown ( They were the ones who killed themselves by drinking poisoned Kool Aid in the 1970's,) look tame.These freaks - and yes, I will call then just that- freaks- are the most outspoken homophobes I've ever heard of.

They protest funerals.

Not just everyday funerals either.

They protest the funerals of soldiers brought back from Iraq.

Thye protest at funerals for soldiers brought back from Iraq.

I'll admit, I'm a bit against the war- I think there are much more important endeavors in which the amount of effort, money and manpower that's gone into this war could go to instead.But that's neither here nor there.the fact of the matter is that irregardless of my personal views, a soldier who dies serving their country is a soldier who died serving their country, far away from home and from all those whom they love.

They deserve respect.

They deserve to be honored.

But these people of the 'Westboro Baptist Church' print off brightly colored signs, emblazoned with messages of " God hates Fags", "God Hates America","Homos will go to Hell" and the like... and it sickens me.

To quote my friend Steve, "How Dare they?!?! * Shakes finger* How Dare they!?!?"

They are known as "One of the most hated families in America" and have been featured in several news features and documentaries... Michael Moore even covered them once.


I took a gander through their website ( ... how classy),and thought for sure that this must be a joke. But their Wikipedia site says it

And this video on You Tube shows an Australian reporter poking fun at one protest, by coming onto one of these protestors ( Again, Steve and Jonny- check it out!)

And young, twenty-something girls supporting the cause:

And 20/20 covered this hate group:

An interview with one of the lead members of this organization, justifying their actions as " Warning this nations that the wrath of God is upon them"

What horsesh*t.

Here's the public fighting back, attacking these coward's van as they drive away...

And here's the best one of all: A Fox news interview (A network definitely not known for being impartial) in which the ladies get into a screaming match while conducting a live interview:

All in all, I've been reassured that however crazy people around here may be, these people definitely rank up there with those kids who microwaved the cat for kicks and the man who repeatedly raped and stabbed a women because of an alleged bet. But those were isolated incidents. These people have been going strong for over 50 years, with no sign of slowing down anytime soon- as long as they keep inbreeding, the hate they preach will only grow stronger from generation to generation. And to think I thought society was progressive...Oh, and get this:

The latest news, and incidentally, how I found out about these lunatics in the first place-

They're going to picked Heath Ledgers' funeral.

How sick is that?